the "BASICS!"
What are the Basics? Simple. What are the most simple things you need to do on a regular basis to be healthy.
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Let me ask a different question first? What is the leading cause of "preventable Death". According to R. Keeney from Duke University, it is poorly made choices. His article "Personal Decisions Are the Leading Cause of Death", (1) talks about how "about 55% of all deaths for ages 15-64 are attributable to personal decisions. Meaning, most of what EVERY doctor has to help with is helping you make better choices. For me, there are 6 main categories. We will explore those in greater detail below.
1. "Personal Decisions Are the Leading Cause of Death", December 2008Operations Research 56(6):1335-1347, 56(6):1335-1347, DOI:10.1287/opre.1080.0588 SourceDBLP Authors: Ralph L. Keeney, Duke University
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Let me ask a different question first? What is the leading cause of "preventable Death". According to R. Keeney from Duke University, it is poorly made choices. His article "Personal Decisions Are the Leading Cause of Death", (1) talks about how "about 55% of all deaths for ages 15-64 are attributable to personal decisions. Meaning, most of what EVERY doctor has to help with is helping you make better choices. For me, there are 6 main categories. We will explore those in greater detail below.
1. "Personal Decisions Are the Leading Cause of Death", December 2008Operations Research 56(6):1335-1347, 56(6):1335-1347, DOI:10.1287/opre.1080.0588 SourceDBLP Authors: Ralph L. Keeney, Duke University